Waiting for Defne

Editor: Mine Soysal

A diary full of secrets that witnesses the loneliness of a high school student…

Following her novels enjoyed by children, Aslı Der who ranks in the 2010 Honour List of IBBY makes a debut with her novels for young adults. The novel narrates the blind alleys that individuals are driven to by family, school and business life and miseries caused by lack of communication through the eyes of a high school girl who relates her rebellion with words. Der draws attention to the peer bullying in schools, the disappointments, hopes and efforts of children dragged into loneliness by adults who pursue their own dreams and objectives using an inspiring language.


Defne is a fourteen year old teenager who is going through the blues, anxiety and excitement of stepping into adolescence. She starts a new diary. The young girl wants to get over her timidity and despair. On the first page of her journal, she notes that although she would like to forget the bad events of the past, they do not vanish. One day Defne is found unconscious in her bed. While she is taken to the hospital, her mother finds her diary and while waiting for her daughter to wake up, she begins to read it.

144 pages
120×180 mm
1st edition: 2013
8th edition: 2020
ISBN: 978-605-4603-45-9

8th edition

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